Transformer oil – e-lesson #15 – Emergence of methanol as a chemical marker for paper degradation

Event Details:
Live lesson is scheduled for May 7th at 2 pm CET at Transformers Academy.
This lesson focused on the emergence of methanol as a chemical marker for monitoring paper degradation in transformers. It compared methanol to other markers like furan and ethanol, highlighting methanol’s ability to detect early-stage degradation. The presentation discussed analytical techniques for measuring methanol, as well as factors affecting its stability and distribution between paper and oil. Several field case studies were presented to demonstrate the practical application of methanol monitoring. The lesson emphasized the need for transformer fleets with similar design and operating conditions for meaningful data interpretation. Challenges around methanol levels after oil processing and the importance of monitoring rate of change were also covered. Overall, the lesson positioned methanol as a valuable complement to traditional markers like furan for assessing transformer paper health.
The lesson is conducted on the Mater’s level and after the live broadcasting, it stays available on demand. It is intended for utility engineers/chemists, transformer and oil manufacturers, students and faculty of educational institutes, oil testing laboratories, utility staff, etc.
The lesson #15 deals with emergence of methanol as a chemical marker for paper degradation.
The content of this lesson is fully vendor-agnostic, but it is sponsored by Ergon.
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Transformer oil course - lesson 15 - 7th May (sponsored by ERGON)
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