2D&3D models for numerical calculation of electric fields in high-voltage transformers and reactors
This article proposes an algorithm for implementing a preprocessor for unified elements and their positioning with relative and symbolic coordinates.
by A. B. Basova, O. V. Shinkarenko, V. F. Ivankov and A. I. Savchenko

This article by Anastasia B. Basova, Olena V. Shinkarenko, Viktor F. Ivankov and Anatoliy I. Savchenko proposes an algorithm for implementing a preprocessor for unified elements and their positioning with relative and symbolic coordinates. The algorithm prepares data from 2D models of the main insulation of the transformer and reactor windings. Numerous real-world examples and case studies are presented.
Read the article here!
#2D&3D numerical models#electric fields#finite element analysis#transformer equipment
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