Editorial message

We hope that this edition will serve as a valuable resource, inspiring innovation and informed decision-making in the ever-evolving world of power engineering.

Dear Readers,

Welcome to this special edition of Transformers Magazine.

I have just returned from Dubai, where I was due to attend the Middle East Energy trade show. Instead, thanks to a bit of rain and an infrastructure more surprised by water than a cat in a bathtub, I got a front row seat to the city’s impromptu swimming gala. The rain transformed one transformer into a pile of copper and iron, which promptly cut the power. Server rooms doubled as aquariums, and with the internet down, it was like stepping back into a pre-digital dark age.

The streets, without drainage, morphed into charming Venetian canals, minus the gondolas. Electric vehicles, having never signed up for submarine duty, met their untimely demise in these newfound lakes, adding to the general sense of chaos. Even the metro stations got in on the action, flooding to the point where trains refused to run.

With the metro at a standstill, we all turned to taxis, which struggled valiantly but vainly against the tide. In the end, we found ourselves trekking through the urban rivers, feeling more like participants in a jungle safari than guests at a world-class energy fair.

Caught in a tricky spot, Transformers Magazine stepped in to save the day with a “Transformers meeting day“, an event that brought together industry enthusiasts for a day of networking with the peers, forging valuable alliances, scouting new business ventures, and catching up on the latest buzz and breakthroughs.

Air travel wasn’t spared either – flooding at the airport meant my flight was delayed for days, not hours. Nevertheless, we hitched a ride back home on a budget airline, crammed into seats that could have been comfortable on a tram. It was a six-hour flight I’ll remember for a long time.

Anyway, let’s focus on the content of this edition, where we delve deep into the innovations and challenges that are shaping the future of power transformers. In our quest to provide a comprehensive overview of the sector’s latest developments in the industry, this issue brings together expert insights, cutting-edge research, and forward-looking strategies from leaders in the field.

In three insightful interviews, we learn about the strategic initiatives underway to digitalise transformers, improve their efficiency and integrate them more seamlessly into modern energy systems. We also explore the environmental impact of electrical infrastructure, highlighting the delicate balance between operational reliability and environmental stewardship. Discussions extend to the role of women in power engineering, highlighting diversity and inclusion in the field.

Technical discussions in this issue range from the importance of transformer bushings for system durability to the challenges of noise and vibration control in residential areas. We delve into the intricacies of dissolved gas analysis, showcasing the latest methods and their applications in maintaining transformer health.

We also examine the evolving landscape of transformer design and management, focusing on high-temperature superconducting transformers and their potential to revolutionise power density and efficiency. We discuss the impact of new European regulations on sustainability, underscoring the industry’s role in meeting global energy efficiency and carbon reduction targets.

In addition, this edition examines the seismic resilience of dry-type transformers and offers a detailed review of a century’s worth of research into transformer insulation, providing valuable insights into aging power transformer fleets and lifecycle management.

Through these articles, we aim is to provide our readers with a sound understanding of the technological, regulatory, and environmental factors at play in the transformer industry today.

We hope that this edition will serve as a valuable resource, inspiring innovation and informed decision-making in the ever-evolving world of power engineering.

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