FLEETSCAN 2D: Your fleet at a glance
MR has developed FLEETSCAN 2D, a scientific solution for objective and independent condition assessment of power transformers
by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen (MR) has developed FLEETSCAN 2D, a scientific solution for objective and independent condition assessment of power transformers
Transformers installed all over the world are becoming older and older; it is not uncommon to see a 50-year-old power transformer. Operators are facing new challenges such as higher and fluctuating transformer loads from renewable energies, higher probabilities of equipment failure, and a lack of information about the condition of transformers. Whereas transformer assessments and replacements used to be based primarily on age alone (a time-based maintenance approach), the current trend is headed towards condition-based maintenance. A condition-based maintenance strategy requires information that is as precise as possible regarding the transformers and their components as well as the broadest possible data pool. Once this data is available, correct interpretation and corresponding recommendations for action are then crucial. Furthermore, an increasing number of regulatory standards, such as ISO 55000, is being introduced, making the need for action even more urgent (see explanation in the info box on page 38).
1. General condition assessment
Meanwhile, various diagnostic possibilities and methodologies exist in order to assess the condition of a transformer. Most of these methods aggregate the assessment to the highest level in order to provide the information about the transformer condition in the form of a single number (known as a health index, HI). However, the index calculation is not transparent for the different stakeholders, which means that the unique HI value does not distinguish between the various practical concepts such as maintenance or replacement planning. This leads to the fact that a single HI value is of little use for practical decisions. [1]
The most important assumption for carrying out condition assessments is a comprehensive database of measured data
2. New consulting approach considering different stakeholder
With FLEETSCAN 2D, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen (MR) has developed a fleet-management solution for which the requirements of multiple stakeholders have been taken into account during the decision-making process. For this purpose, two indices have been developed based on the same available information regarding the condition of the assets.
These two indices are addressed to the decision-makers responsible respectively for CAPEX and OPEX questions. In this approach, the current transformer condition, according to the reliability (failure risk) and sustainability (life time consumption), will be covered. [1]
FLEETSCAN 2D was developed to the greatest extent possible based on current technological standards and regulations of IEEE, IEC, CIGRÉ, as well as the work of the industry experts. Using a scientific approach, MR worked together with Professor Markus Zdrallek, Head of Chair for Power System Engineering at the University of Wuppertal, to develop FLEETSCAN 2D as a new approach to fleet management and transformer condition assessment.