Investigating the environmental benefits of oil reclamation – A case study
This paper contributes to increasing transparency on the impact of transformer service activities on avoiding GHG emissions in the electricity system.
by Dr. Bhaba Das, Goizeder Pajaro, Ed G.teNyenhuis and Dr. Ghazi Kablouti

The ever-increasing world demand for electric power is a major cause of the growth of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the acceleration of global warming. As of today, around 8% of total global electrical energy is consumed by losses in the Transmission and Distribution system and where around 6% is related to electrical energy losses in transformers. Although transformers are highly energy-efficient devices operating globally at an average efficiency level of >98%, when more transformers are added to the power system, it would further increase their contribution to global GHG emissions. A higher transparency on the carbon footprint of transformers across their long operational lifetime is required. This will assist in informing various stakeholders and climate strategy policy planners and promote designing transformers that support the transition towards a net zero electricity future.
This paper contributes to increasing transparency on the impact of transformer service activities on avoiding GHG emissions in the electricity system by presenting a case study and quantifying the life cycle carbon impacts and benefits of mineral oil reclaiming services when compared to replacement with new virgin oil. Virgin oil is a non-renewable and highly prized commodity and should be reused as much as possible.
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#Case study#CO2e emissions#Life Cycle Assessment#Oil Excange#Oil Reclamation#sustainability