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    Transformers Magazine Special Edition – Digitalization

    BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

    Cover SE Digitalization 400x570 TABLE OF CONTENTS
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    Editorial Message

    Dear Readers,

    Digitalisation as the subject for this year’s special edition has been chosen by the readers and that gives it the highest relevance.

    Even though digitalisation is today’s buzzword, yet I often hear people asking what it exactly represents in the field of transformers. So, I am taking the liberty of attempting to explain it.

    Looking back, I recall many examples where processes have been changed, step by step, from traditional to digital. Over time, the extent of the changes has grown, creating a common trend of making things digital(ly). Therefore, digitalisation is not something that has materialised out of thin air. Rather, it is a culmination of different processes that have been evolving over the last two or three decades, or even longer.

    Even though digitalisation is today’s buzzword, yet I often hear people asking what it exactly represents in the field of transformers

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