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    Transformers Magazine Special Edition – Superconductivity

    BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

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    Editorial Message

    Dear readers,

    While the domain covered by Transformers Magazine is, naturally, the transformer industry, technology and market, as a reference publication we also cover areas and technologies that may not be extremely important at the moment, but they might have a more pronounced impact on our industry in the near future. One such area is superconductivity. In the past, some transformer manufacturers and other scientific research institutions have made significant investments in superconducting transformers, and a lot of knowledge and experience has been gathered through such scientific research projects. However, due to certain limitations, this technology is still not cost-effective for wider application.

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    Forewords to the Special Edition

    The success of superconductivity, however, depends on the overcoming challenges such as initial purchasing cost, as well as technical issues.

    0 Superconducting traction transformer

    Superconducting traction transformer

    As a result, the 300 kW oil cooling system takes a large share of the weight and space. The whole system weighs just under 6tons.

    38 The Munich SuperLink

    The Munich SuperLink project

    The energy transition will, in all likelihood, lead to increased stress for the distribution grids, especially in large cities.

    86 Paul Griffin

    Interview with Paul Griffin

    In our industry, there are always challenges, and sometimes it was on diagnostics that there was a lot of focus.

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