Forewords to the Special Edition
The success of superconductivity, however, depends on the overcoming challenges such as initial purchasing cost, as well as technical issues.
BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief
The success of superconductivity, however, depends on the overcoming challenges such as initial purchasing cost, as well as technical issues.
As a result, the 300 kW oil cooling system takes a large share of the weight and space. The whole system weighs just under 6tons.
Cryo-electrification is a solution that superconducting technology together with cryogenic engineering can offer to assist in resolving the issues in the power network
The electrical grid gets more complex in order to respond to electrical consumption growth.
The energy transition will, in all likelihood, lead to increased stress for the distribution grids, especially in large cities.
A fault current limiter must be able to change impedance autonomously, without active sensing or actuation systems that might be prone to failure.
Due to the development of modern grids and the extensive implementation of distributed generators, the fault current level increases, which affects the operation of circuit breakers.
Due to some disadvantages of early superconductors, called low-temperature superconductors (LTS), the application of some materials faced noticeable hindrances.
In recent years, newly developed energy systems have come into widespread use in our daily lives.
In our industry, there are always challenges, and sometimes it was on diagnostics that there was a lot of focus.
Due to the increase of the power demand together with the distributed power generation, the level and frequency of short circuit faults have increased.