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    Transformers Magazine Special Edition – Sustainability

    BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

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    Editorial Message

    Dear readers,

    As indicated by Sustainability Report 2023, education is one of the critical factors in developing successful sustainability initiatives. This is true for other initiatives as well, such as digitalization and so on. Therefore, Transformers Magazine pays particular consideration to such global initiatives and, in cooperation with other stakeholders, aims to create conditions and tools to contribute to key initiatives’ success.

    Likewise, the focus of this special edition is sustainability, intending to preserve and propagate knowledge, solutions and crucial sustainability information presented at the Sustainability conference 2022. Transformers Magazine organized the conference in cooperation with key industry partners: leading utilities, transformer manufacturing companies and suppliers of materials and components.

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    Need for circular economy

    The active part of a transformer can be defined as the magnetic core, the windings, and the solid insulation in and around the windings.

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