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    Transformers Magazine Special Edition – Digitalization 2023

    BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

    Transformers Magazine Special Edition - Digitalization TABLE OF CONTENTS
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    Editorial Message

    Dear readers,

    This special edition focuses on digitalization. As such, it also features articles presented at the Sustainability and Digitalization 2023 conference held in Dubrovnik, Croatia. This conference as well as the EuroDoble conference in Madrid featured panel discussions on Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is part of the digitalization umbrella. Many other events are being organised around AI and digitalization, proving that these are absolutely relevant topics that deserve our full attention.

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    Tony McGrail

    Digital twin reliability

    The column explores the concept of digital twins, emphasizing the importance of data accuracy.

    Amit Sherekar

    Sensformer: Powering the future with digitalized transformers

    Siemens Energy has developed a digital transformer solution called Sensformer, which integrates various sensors, communication interfaces, and data analytics capabilities into the transformer to enable advanced monitoring, diagnostics, and...

    Mehran Tahir

    Digital twin of cast resin transformers

    This article by Mehran Tahir presents the benefits and development process of transformer digital twin applications to manage the current and future challenges to the transformer industry.

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