An interview with Michel Augonnet
Michel Augonnet speaks about the key challenges facing CIGRÉ, expanding CIGRÉ outside of Europe, sustainability-related activities, and gender equality in CIGRÉ.
BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief
Michel Augonnet speaks about the key challenges facing CIGRÉ, expanding CIGRÉ outside of Europe, sustainability-related activities, and gender equality in CIGRÉ.
Hitachi Energy’s collaboration with Indian Railways is transforming the nation’s rail infrastructure with advanced transformer solutions tailored for the new 2x27 kV system.
This article by Tony McGrail examines three case studies—a bridge deemed "structurally deficient," a school rated "inadequate," and transformers misclassified by health indices.
This interview with Lorenzo Prieto, Head of Technology at Hitachi Energy Transformers, brings insights into how the company has been keeping its pioneering spirit over the years
On-site repair services, such as those offered by Siemens Energy, provide maintenance to extend transformer life and reduce downtime.
For the future statistical optimization of power transformer insulation design, more than two hundred publications on transformer oil breakdown voltage (BDV) were reviewed.
Vinamra Agarwal shares how his family-run business, Technical Associates Limited, is growing during the global shift to electric energy.
With the growth of the transformer market in the past years, the available volume of waste transformer oil will be insufficient to be the feedstock for a high share...
The article is intended for young transformer engineers and for teaching transformers to undergraduate and postgraduate students in universities.
In this interview with Jörn Clasen, the Managing Director of Krempel, find out more about Krempel and its global standing in the insulation materials industry.
Find out how cork-based compressed layer damping can transform transformer noise levels and be used for vibration management.
This article presents a brief review of interesting magnetic shunt configurations utilized in the power transformer industry in the last 30 years.
In this article by Siemens Energy's Head of Sustainability Grid Technologies Christina Iosifidou, find out about sustainability and how it relates to transformers.
This third part of the article serves as a guideline for substation managers, asset managers, and substation engineers in the absence of any guidelines issued by their utilities or...
With Europe committed to decarbonizing its energy sector, significant investments are being made to upgrade the electricity grid and integrate renewable energy sources.
The Industry Navigator 2025 conference, taking place in Dubai from 9-11 April, promises to be an unparalleled event for professionals in the transformer and switchgear industry.