Interview with Bruno Melles, Managing Director, Business Unit Transformers, Hitachi ABB Power Grids
Hitachi ABB Power Grids will continue to be committed to deploying pioneering transformer technology for the progress of society.
BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief
Hitachi ABB Power Grids will continue to be committed to deploying pioneering transformer technology for the progress of society.
PD measurement is suitable to detect damages in the insulation of power transformers at an early stage which helps minimising the risk of failure
MR has developed FLEETSCAN 2D, a scientific solution for objective and independent condition assessment of power transformers
RANCAN SRL is an Italian company, and also a Global leader in manufacturing of high quality laminated densified wood used in many industrial sectors
Sulfur corrosion phenomenon that damages copper inside a transformer is quite old since it was observed almost immediately after implementing mineral oils.
MAXEI offers advanced, flexible, and custom solutions for transformer oil processing that meets Industry 4.0 paradigm
AIEE, founded in 1884, treated transformer related topics with great care, forming a separate committee for transformers in 1918
On-site service or repair works can extend the trouble-free lifetime of transformers by up to 15 years
GEORG developed a portfolio of autostack solutions for automatic core stacking of distribution and power transformers
It's hard to estimate the transformers' reliability, probability of failure, and to plan activities without modern calculation methods and algorithms.
An inter-turn fault is one of the leading causes of power transformer failures; it can be detected using sweep frequency response analysis
Approach for the diagnostic analysis of the high-voltage bushings uses power factor and capacitance measurements; values are compared with the benchmark data
How to evaluate the robustness of a transformer considering currents and Laplace forces under the short-circuit, fault conditions?