WiPE – Live interview with Claudia Gherghel-Diaconeasa
Claudia Gherghel-Diaconeasa is the CEO of Retrasib - a transformer company from Transylvania in Romania.
BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief
Claudia Gherghel-Diaconeasa is the CEO of Retrasib - a transformer company from Transylvania in Romania.
COMEM is introducing MeDICA, the latest monitoring ecosystem for transformer diagnostics.
In the first part of the column, we presented the advantages of performing DGA analysis in an in-house laboratory.
There are several untenable situations that train operators face – situations that prove expensive to them in terms of costs, reputation, and viability.
This part of the column covers a list of standards on the range of accessories used with power transformers and reactors.
With medium-power and cast-resin transformers, SGB produces industrial products whose basic function has remained unchanged for a long time.
Transformers are one of the most efficient components in the electricity transmission and distribution network at efficiency values greater than 99 %.
The aging of large power transformers will keep the developers of specifications of new transformers working for many years to come.
Manufacturers and operators have a well-defined set of condition assessment procedures to be used in the factory and the field.
For transmission enterprises, asset and risk management is a core function, and it is strongly linked with both revenue and reliability of electricity supply.
Hitachi Energy has been conducting significant research and development (R&D) efforts to evolve a new generation of onboard traction transformers.
Partial Discharge (PD) measurement is the most common, non-destructive method to detect even minor insulation defects in the electrical insulation system.
In general, a transformer is designed and manufactured to operate under normal conditions.
The CIGRÉ Biennial Session is among the most important global power system events in the world.
Sustainability – Outlook for the transformer industry is an industry-wide event.
Croatian National Committee of CIGRÉ, together with its partners, is organizing the Cigre SC A2 & 6th ICTRAM Joint Colloquium 2023.