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    Transformers Magazine Vol. 9 Issue 4

    BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

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    Editorial Message

    Dear readers,

    While we were preparing materials for this issue, we also participated in other important projects and events. One of the most important projects is a two-day Transformers Magazine’s Industry Navigator conference on Sustainability, to be held in Zagreb, Croatia, on 20-21 October. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first sustainability-themed conference in our industry, where interested parties from all over the world can equally participate. I would like to stress that the idea for this conference is not originally ours. It has been proposed by our partners, believing that the Transformers Magazine’s team is the right one for the organisation of this event.

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    DPRS transformer – Part I

    In general, a transformer is designed and manufactured to operate under normal conditions.

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