Power blackout in Argentina
South America’s power blackout raised questions about the stability and security of the power infrastructure in Argentina, country most affected by the outage.

Argentina: South America’s power blackout, which affected over 50 million people, raised questions about the stability and security of the power infrastructure in Argentina, country most affected by the outage.
The blackout affected neighbouring Uruguay and spilt over to Paraguay, Chile and Brazil due to the interconnectivity of these countries’ power grids.
Authorities expect to understand the actual cause of the outage over the next two weeks, as an investigation moves forward into the cause of the blackout.
Experts are looking more deeply for answers by studying a powerline that transports energy from the two major dams of Yacyreta and Salto Grande to the capital of Buenos Aires, suspecting that the interconnection between the two power plants failed.
Source: ESI Africa
#Argentina#power blackout#power infrastructure#South America