WEG applies hybrid paper technology to transformers
WEG has carried out a research project in collaboration with COPEL, UFSM and VEGOOR Tecnologia Aplicada.

Image for illustration purposes.
Brazil, Paramá: WEG’s Research and Development Project called “R&D ANEEL – COPEL PD-06491-0421/2016 – New technologies to increase the reliability and useful life of power transformers”, was carried out in collaboration between Companhia Paranaense de Energia (COPEL), Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) and VEGOOR Tecnologia Aplicada. The key goal was to evaluate the effects of replacing Kraft paper with hybrid paper as a solid insulator in the active part of transformers.
The equipment used was a three-phase step-up transformer manufactured in 1969, with 70 MVA power and voltages of 13.8/230 kV, voltage-free switch which underwent a complete technological upgrade by WEG, with the replacement of all the Kraft paper coils with NOMEX 910® hybrid paper in the high voltage windings.
From a technological point of view, mineral oil was exchanged for vegetable insulating liquid aiming for maximum convergence with the principles of sustainability. A direct temperature measurement system by optical fiber with 16 sensors was included for detailed monitoring of the internal thermal state of the equipment, enabling automation and differentiated controls, which decisively contribute to the greater longevity of the equipment. The improvements made it possible to obtain a higher power transformer, making 73.6 MVA available to the system.
The transformer was reinstalled at the Governador Parigot de Souza Hydroelectric Plant, located in Antonina, state of Paraná, where it previously operated. Apart from increasing the reliability of the plant, it will also operate more sustainably. The use of vegetable oil and hybrid paper contributes to reducing the environmental impact, thus resulting in a direct reduction in costs during the installation of the equipment, for example in the characteristics of the oil containment element in case of leaks.
Source: WEG