DGA Course – e-lesson #6 – Save time and money by improving DGA and oil tests bids requirements for oil offline tests

Hosted by: Marius Grisaru / Intermediate level
Join us on 9th April at 3 PM CET for the sixth lesson in the Dissolved gas analysis course, authored and presented on Intermediate level by Marius Grisaru. Here you can save your seat.
This lesson teaches how to save time and money by improving DGA and oil test requirements for offline oil tests. Attend it if you wish to learn about the synchronization of the DGA tests with transformer operation and other tests and to get some tips on preparing the most adequate DGA and oil tests.
About the author

Marius Grisaru
Electroanalytical chemist, expert on oil test domain focus on dissolved gas analysis from planning, sampling, testing to diagnosis. Marius has a vast worldwide experience on all relevant aspects and debates them among the fellow experts around the globe. Enthusiast educator of scientific subjects.